Grud's Crud
The Bastille Gazette Serving FW since Oct 1998 Archived Article

April 2001

Working on The Game
Posted Monday, April 23, 2001 by GrudGaidin
Behind the scenes, the rustling of the keyboards, Kevin and staff
Working hard on game programming, others are working on the
Story line for the game. Most of us are inpatient to have a completed
World to play in again. Culdrag and staff in the FFA game have done
A great job. They have given us a small playground to keep busy in.
Through a feeb or too. Wondering what the big game is looking like.
Which some off us had the opportunity to get inside and test and the
Joy and bless of this new world is coming together. The day you get
A chance to walk in and see Your jaw will drop little saliva will come
Out and you be enriched with the great experience of old to new. But
Till then you have to Just Rp and play the FFA and collect your gold.
And help out if you can. Except Mord he doesn’t get know more gold!