The Bastille Gazette Serving FW since Oct 1998 Archived Article

July 2001

Changes for FW in Near Future
Posted Tuesday, July 24, 2001 by
Well all, I leave for two weeks and seems all hell breaks loose!

Many of you already know that the domain address of forgottenworld.com is down. What you may not know is that while the site undergoes some serious renovations, we can still post and grab those daily gold pieces.

Where you ask? The temporary address is:

Direct from Kevin Tesh, Lead Programmer:

We (the programmers) have decided when the site moves in the extremely near future that our plan is to begin basically anew. We do have the posts and the database saved as it is now but it would require a monumental amount of work to move it all at once. We will, on request, try and begin restoring RP stuff as soon as all is running well.

You have our sincere apologizies, and we will not lose gold or item information, but it may not be visible for awhile.

The game has advanced to a point where we want to begin with a clean slate if you allow us to... because great and fantastic things are happening in the ForgottenWorld. I cannot begin to convey my own personal thanks to all of you players for all your support and the amazing efforts of the programmers that are making this happen.

I know all of this is tough to visualize without seeing it... but see it you will!