The Bastille Gazette Serving FW since Oct 1998 Archived Article

July 2003

Rules for the Scavenger Hunt!
Posted Friday, July 25, 2003 by
Date: Tomorrow! Saturday, July 26th
Time: 6:00 p.m. Eastern (5 Central, 4 Mountain, 3 Pacific)

All the RULES. READ them thoroughly, and Print 'em if you have to!

Queuing will begin at 6pm EASTERN Sharp.

1. Every player that Queues between 6-7 pm Eastern will receive a START Time and given the coordinates for where to start.

2. No less than 2 and no more than 8 players may start at the same time. If there are not enough hunters for a start time, then the one hunter must wait until the next start time when there will be at least two.

3. Hunters will receive the list of required items to find (and the first clue) after all hunters for that start time arrive at the start point.

4. Once a hunter has reached the location of the first clue, the fight for that spot needs to be trigged (if it doesn't trig automatically upon stepping on the square).

5. All creatures must be killed so that the treasure screen will have treasure. This is where you will find the necessary items.

6. PvP will be authorized for these battle spots, whether in a non-PvP or a PvP zone. The first player(s) to survive the battle (and hopefully find the required item) will be the first to receive the next clue. The rules for PvP are listed below:

NOTE: Each fight will be free for all style. NO MELEE COMBAT WITH OTHER PCS. If the players decide to form alliances within the fight, this is acceptable.

    1. NO melee combat. Should a physical attack happen on another PC: The first time ONLY, will be considered an accident. A second time will be considered as intent and the hunter will be disqualified. The injured player has the option of healing the lost damage in spite of the no healing rule, or to restart the fight with all who are still in the original battle. Note that if healing is chosen, only one large bandage will be authorized.

      If the injured player is gated because of the physical attack, the battle will be ended and all remaining hunters must wait for the gated player and restart the fight.

      2. NO re-entries period. Anyone that re-enters the same fight will be immediately disqualified as a winner. If you gate and arrive back at the fight spot and see only new names in the fight, you may ask if it is the same fight. Only if it is NOT the same fight, may you enter.

        If there is no one fighting when you return from the gate, then you may re trig the fight to continue your questing.

        Do not be discouraged if this happens, as there will be several of these fights. You may be last in the beginning, but that does not mean you will remain in last place.

      3. NO healing. If anyone heals another or themselves, they will be disqualified from winning, except as pertains to rule number 1. (Healing up just prolongs a fight and we do not want to be at this all night people.)

      4. The fight is over when the last creature is killed and the treasure screen appears. Those who survive and find the required item will be given the clue first. Remaining survivors will be given the option to remain and try to find the item in a new fight, or wait and receive the clue 5 minutes later without the item.

    The surviving scavenger(s) will receive a clue to the next item.

    There are four unique items total (but more than just one may be found), that each player must find and bring back to me.

    After the last player has finally completed the quest, the winner(s) will be announced.

    The person who finds the most items and returns in the least amount of time will win their own, personalized, Ring of Protection +5.

    Kevin will be there to personalize the prize.

    Lesser prizes may be granted to second and third place.

    TIE BREAKERS: Should a tie occur, a mini booth may be held on the spot as a tie breaker.

    Scavenger Hunt on the 26th of July!
    Posted Saturday, July 12, 2003 by
    I have posted more information on the Scavenger Hunt in the Game Events and Crystals folder on the boards. FW Tori has also posted this information in Announcements. I expect to see quite a turn out from this community, since I have given plenty of notice for everyone to mark it on their calendar.

    Date: 26 July, 2003
    Time: 6:00 p.m. Eastern
    Day: Saturday

    And the rules. Learn 'em and don't forget 'em:

    Queuing will begin at 6pm (Eastern). Every player that queues between 6 and 7 will be given a start time and will not be given the first clue until that time arrives. The first batch of hunters will begin the hunt 5 minutes after receiving their start time and a clue.

    Starting point for the hunt will be determined at a later date. From the starting point is where the scavengers will receive the first clue to finding one of the items required.

    To acquire the item, the player(s) must survive. PvP will be authorized for certain battle spots, whether in a non-PvP or a PvP zone. The first player(s) to survive the battle will be the first to receive the next clue. The rules for PvP are listed below:

    The Scavenger Hunt PvP Rules:

    Each fight will be free for all style. If the players decide to form alliances within the fight, this is acceptable.

      1. No re-entries period. Anyone that re-enters the same fight will be immediately disqualified as a winner. If you gate and arrive back at the fight spot and see only new names in the fight, you may ask if it is the same fight. Only if it is NOT the same fight, may you enter.

        If there is no one fighting when you return from the gate, then you may re trig the fight to continue your questing.

        Do not be discouraged if this happens, as there will be several of these fights. You may be last in the beginning, but that does not mean you will remain in last place.

      2. NO HEALING period. If anyone heals another or themselves, they will be disqualified from winning. (Healing up just prolongs a fight and we do not want to be at this all night people.)

      3. The fight is over when the last creature is killed and the treasure screen appears. Those who survive and find the required item will be given the clue first. Remaining survivors will be given the option to remain and try to find the item in a new fight, or wait and receive the clue 5 minutes later without the item.

    The surviving scavenger(s) will receive a clue to the next item.

    There are four items total, that each player must find and bring back to me.

    After the last player has finally completed the quest, the winner(s) will be announced.

    The person who finds the most items and returns in the least amount of time will win their own, personalized, Ring of Protection +5.

    Kevin will be there to personalize the prize.

    Lesser prizes may be granted to second and third place.

    A ForgottenWorld Event!
    Posted Saturday, July 5, 2003 by
    Date: July 26th, 2003 (Saturday)
    Time: 6pm EDT (5 CDT, 4 MDT, 3 PDT for the time conversion challenged).

    I need to acquire several components for one of my many experiments. I am asking any and all to help me in my quest. Unfortunately, these items must be gathered on a specific day for full potency.

    These ingredients must be found while the moon is waning. I absolutely MUST have them at least four days before the new moon, as I need the time to prepare for one of my little rituals.

    For those of you who may think, "A piece of cake", think again. I expect only one winner. Ambushes and attacks (PvP) are expected, but to find the objects and gain the next clue, you must survive the battle.

    As a prize to the one who finds all the components in the least amount of time, I am offering a unique ring (+5 ROP) that will be engraved with the winner's personal choice.

    I am posting this notice now to give anyone that wishes to try, plenty of time to mark the date on their calendar.

    I will continue to post reminders each week until the day of the hunt. On the day prior to the event, I will ask that the rules, conditions, etc. be posted in the announcements folder for all to read.

    Remember, the date of the event: July 26th at 5pm (Eastern). I will also post this in the Bastille Gazette and the gazette's Events Calendar.

    P.S. & OOC: I wish to give a special Thank You to Silver Jack for coming up with such a wonderful idea for an event that anyone should be able to enjoy.

    P.P.S. & OOC: Those of you who are not yet in the game, click on the banner above and join the Alpha Testing!