The Bastille Gazette Serving FW since Oct 1998 Archived Article

July 2006

Win Some Crystals!
Posted Tuesday, July 11, 2006 by
Well, I ran an idea by both FW Dragon and FW Chloe, and both said to go for it!

So here it is.

Every so often, I will post up some sort of image or set of images (here or on the boards), and the person who submits the funniest text or captions for the images will win two crystals.

Now many may ask, "Who's the judge of what's the funniest?"

I have an unbiased, non-playing, real life family member who has a great sense of humor. She will be the judge ;> As I will not be entering, in any guise (i.e. alt names), she will have no bias for any one person or character.

ANOTHER WAY to win crystals... Submit a funny "in game" story... Can be a "newbee" story (I'm sure there are lots of those), or any sort of story that happened in game and struck your funny bone. You can use those memory cells and recall something from the oNWN days, or it can be something that has happened within FW.

To submit these stories, you can either post it on the boards under "The Bastille Gazette: Board Talk", or click on the "Contact Us" link above.

Here is the first image for someone to try and win crystals for :) Keep in mind that I CAN animate it, or set up frames with one animated one, just like I did for the comic strip on the humor page.

So let me see some funny stuff folks ;)

Up and running...
Posted Wednesday, July 5, 2006 by
Well, all (but a few pages)are completed finally. I still need to finish up the no frames pages as well, and apologize to those of you who prefer no frames. As for the majority of the site, I hope you like the new look!

Also, I've added in a humor section, a must see as it is a brand new area for the gazette :)