The Insider
The Bastille Gazette Serving FW since Oct 1998 Archived Article

October 2001

Interview with the 1st Winner of Word Scramble
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by Tori
I had a chance to interview last week's winner of the Word Scramble, Exedoranth of the Bregan d'Aerth. I was able to track him down at his favorite hangout known as the Watchful Spider Tavern.

He lounged back with a graceful insolence and a slight sneer upon his thin lips. I was not comfortable attempting to extract any sort of personal information from this dark elf male, yet what I did obtain I have written down here for anyone to read.

He was of a little over average size for a dark elf. His hair was somewhat dusty white in color and long. There was a wave to it and it fell below his shoulders in a loose style. The brows were somewhat darker though not by much and they flared upward over the twin almond shaped eyes. His lashes were also a smoky white in color, fringing the lids around blood red colored irises.

He would occasional puff upon an oddly twisted looking pipe from some dark wood... it looked as if a root from an old oak went into its making.

I finally built up the courage to confront Exedoranth with my few questions. That interview is as follows:

"What do you think about the Word Scramble contest you won?"

"I'd say it's very... prosperous, to those willing to take the time to win... It has its flaws, which I am taking advantage of. Of course, once the flaws are worked out, it should be a decent way to pass the time... until the gates open up and explorers start venturing further into dangerous territory."

"You say there are flaws with the Word Scramble, care to share these with the rest of us?"

"In any type of contest where the first person to answer something wins, anyone with a quick wit and plenty of time to kill can monitor the contest. It doesn't take much effort, either, with the way the contest rules are now."

"Are you from Menzoberranzan, or some other city?"

"Yes, I am from the city of Menzoberranzan. I am one of a handful of survivors from its fall. To tell you more would mean I would have to kill you, although, it would not bother me to kill you anyway..."

It was at this point when his fascinating eyes narrowed in a thoughtful expression, that I decided to make a hasty (yet dignified) retreat. I am glad to report that I made it home safely. Next time Jasyle can do her own winner's interview!