On the Spot
The Bastille Gazette Serving FW since Oct 1998 Archived Article

October 2000

Economic Turmoil
Posted Friday, October 13, 2000 by Sparkle
Is the current desperate scramble for gold 'A sign of economic collapse' or 'Simply a normal desire for personal wealth'?
To find the truth I first visited the most notorious locale where this activity is taking place.

Amidst the frantic scrambling taking place the following was discovered.
Chyanna appears to truly love and gain happiness from the aquisition of gold. While PanzerMagi seemed to have merely misplaced one as he was quoted saying "Could've sworn I dropped a gold piece around here somewhere... Ah-hah, there it is!"
Others still displayed a near frenzied and desperate state. Toyman for example could be heard saying "Just gimmie the damn gold!"

Finding that this occurance was not limited to only one small location of the vicinity of Bastille I next visited another site where Nor Chew could be heard complaining that "Yall are some greedy indviduals...oh and BTW gold". Seeming to be upset by the situation yet affected by it also.

Moving on to yet another location where the rampant desire for gold has taken root. Lord Xymox could be heard giving the excuse "... just cuz I'm greedy". Meanwhile Shurg seemed to feel somewhat differently stating "Boards are up again...they owe me even more gold"

While officials of the treasury office could not be contacted for comment, a recently released statement indicated that there was no concern over the current economic situation. So it seems for now at least...that the steets of Bastille shall continue to be paved in gold.

This is Sparkle Shimmerwing reporting live for On The Spot news.
Posted Friday, October 13, 2000 by Sparkle
Seeking to gain insights into the thoughts of those new to our fine city, I Sparkle Shimmerwing spoke in depth with one of these newly arrived to learn of his impressions thus far. Prince Otthawk was quite cordial and graciously agreed to have the conversation recorded.
To follow is a playback of my live interview with one HC Otthawk.

sparkle: -tries to look serious- how did you find your way here? -holds the glowing wand in his face-

hc otthawk: i had a knight of the crusade, sir hc trek travel and do some checking. we learned of fw from nor chew.

sparkle: -smiles- have you felt welcome here so far?

hc otthawk: why of course..many of our old friends are present here.

sparkle: rumor has it that you are planning to setup a stronghold here...can you confirm or deny this?

hc otthawk: -smiling- the holy crusaders will be moving here...yes. plans are being made with the dwarf king of stone helm...who is moving here as well. or so i have heard.... to begin construction.

sparkle: for those who might be concerned with regard to your intentions...can you tell us what part the holy crusaders intend to play in our society?

hc otthawk: -bows slightly with smile- our intentions are one of honor and respect for good. we strive to improve life for eveyone. well...for everyone who looks to light rather then...shall we say the darkness.

sparkle: -nods- such has always been the hc way has it not?

hc otthawk: it has...we have a saying..my sword for the innocent, my shield for the weak, my life for the crown! we serve those who can not protect themselves.

sparkle: a very noble statement to be sure. have you had any difficulty with finding your way around this new realm thus far?

hc otthawk: not at all.. is rather simple .. for now.. for once this realm grows. i am sure things will get a bit harder. all that evil that will surely come you know..

sparkle: if you were to pick one thing that might make it easier for others new to this realm to fit in...what might that one thing be?

hc otthawk: well.. an area...set for those new to go and read on the laws and such of this realm. a place where they could meet the others already here. a grand tavern of some sort. we would of course..be honored to help in this.

sparkle: -nods- such has been attempted in slight ways with the newbies seeking help folder...however more work could certainly be done in this area

hc otthawk: it will be easier once everything is running..smoothly. their are those that will help the newbies. tis be in our charter to do such...to help the new ones... keep them on the path so to speak.

sparkle: and those who will scourge them as well... what stand would you take in regard to them?

hc otthawk: -smiles- a sword point is always a good stand...-laughs softly-

sparkle: -giggles- point well taken.

hc otthawk: but to be honest. you will have those who just do not like to have new folks around. i would say...a place that they can go to for help...a place run by.. those from guilds and orders who would teach them would be a good thing. let the guilds who dont mind helping...set up special events to help. it is how we grow in other realms..the crusaders i mean..we take it upon ourselves to have fun.

sparkle: -smiles- and such an undertaking would have your support...correct?

hc otthawk: yes of course.

sparkle: and that is the entire purpose correct? 'to have fun'

hc otthawk: yes... that and stomp on the evil guy in the dirt. -chuckles-

sparkle: being new to fw but certainly not to the old community... is there anything you would ask me about the workings of this realm?

hc otthawk: well...i would like to know who will be watching over the knightly orders/guilds. once established.

sparkle: beyond the guild leaders you mean?

hc otthawk: yes

sparkle: for the most part i believe that fw journey (aka. scott) will be handling the matters of the boards, guilds, and sanctioning. does that answer your question?

hc otthawk: -smiles- yes thank you... and also... how many will the realm be able to handle at one time.....how many on the streets per night..? (( server size etc. ))

sparkle: before curfew violations take effect? -giggles- just a 'small' joke there. i believe they will go for around 500, however that has not been set into stone to my knowledge.

hc otthawk: -laughing softly- i see. will attacks on locals or other members of guilds be allowed....( in game )

sparkle: -grins- (meaning pvp?) yes.

hc otthawk: ( yes ) i see....and their will be laws to protect those not willing to pvp..?

sparkle: there will be some enforcement within certain areas...yes (non-pvp zones)

sparkle: ok...before we close. if there was one thing you could say to the enitre FW community...what would that be?

hc otthawk: i would say...take up the crusade for fun...and dont forget you were once new..so help out.

*end playback*

So there you have it. One newcomer's views on our community and what might help to make things better for others making their way here.

This is Sparkle Shimmerwing reporting live from Bastille Square for On The Spot News.
Interview with a Vamp... err...Dryad
Posted Monday, October 16, 2000 by Sparkle
Once again the star reporter of the Bastille Gazette. Yes that beautiful, intelligent, witty and above all humble...Fairy which everyone knows and loves (Ohhh alright I WILL get on with it.)

Sparkle Shimmerwing here. Reporting live from the Dryad Grove where I was able to sit and chat with Miss RunningFlame for a time about what it is actually like to BE a Dryad.

Without further ado then. On with the fun. The following was recorded with the permission of all involved. (Ok so I only asked flame for permission. But if the rest of them did not wish to be quoted they shouldn't have been there.) SO ;P

sparkle: so then flame. -recorder on- what is the best thing about being a dryad?

runningflame: ::answers with no hesitation:: men...and chocolate...but mostly men.

sparkle: if there were one thing about being a dryad that you could change what would that be?

stellar: *comes back and decides better of it* still afk`
mordighan: heheh

runningflame: that's a tough one, sparkle. you see...i'm not a true dryad.

stellar: actually nevermind...i gotta go *waves*
stellar has left the lounge

runningflame: bye, stellar. #
runningflame: rats!

sparkle: rats? is that your answer?
sparkle: would that be more or less rats?

runningflame: no! i mean...yes! wait...rats is not my answer!
runningflame: unless you're talking about those rats we call men...then i would have to say more rats.

sparkle: -giggles- ok that makes sense`
sparkle: what would you tell someone as an incentive if they were considering a visit to the grove?

runningflame: just three words. BARE...NAKED...LADIES.

sparkle: -smiles- and highlights those words`
sparkle: what should one remember when visiting the grove so as not to break any rules?

runningflame: ::counts them on her fingers:: one...bring chocolate. two...males are forbidden to wear clothing covering their...ahem...legs.
runningflame: three...don't damage the wildlife, unless she wants you to.
runningflame: and four...be nice.

sparkle: -nods-

hc otthawk: ::sits back and smiles::
hc otthawk: and everyone is welcome..even those like mordighan...::winks::

mordighan: ::chuckles:: that princling is questionable ;p

runningflame: ::chuckles:: i'm sure that chee would like to make mordighan welcome.
runningflame: her mantrap vines are hungry.

mordighan: and what of her drow traps? do they fetch her anything to play with?

sparkle: mord. if i recall accurately. and i always do. her mantraps are not prejudiced to race. only gender.

sparkle: ok. what sites would you recomend most for prospective tourists?

runningflame: ooo! the sweet pond...it's freshly sweetened daily. the moon pond is romantic. and the moss beds are springy enough for any type of athletic endeavors.

hc otthawk: ::shakes head and puts his helm on and lowers the visor::

mordighan: ::chuckles at the possibility of hawk blushing::

hc otthawk: ::tis the reason visor is down:: :)

sparkle: -flutters into the visor through one of the gaps- -giggle-

hc otthawk: ::smilse and blows her back out the gap::

sparkle: -pouts-

hc otthawk: that twas a ::blows her out with a kiss:: :)

sparkle: -blows a kiss back- much better`

hc otthawk: :)

sparkle: for those who do not wish to become forever entangled within the grove's charms. what advice would you give them?

runningflame: ::laughs merrily:: simply relax and enjoy the entanglement.

sparkle: if you had to pick one dryad as a symbol of everything a dryad should be. who?

runningflame: pegasus, of course. not much on the pantsing...always forgets to pull down instead of up...but she's learning. and she has a wonderful way with squirrels.

mordighan: ::sits on a gnarled old root and taps his keg of ale, pours himself a mug and continues to listen::

hc otthawk: up..? ::shivers::

runningflame: ::weg at otthawk::

sparkle: there was rumor that some of the small fuzzy critters had become militant and formed an army. can you confirm or deny this?

runningflame: i can confirm that rumor. we in the grove try to encourage the creatures independence.

hc otthawk: ::lifts visor and smiles at flame::

runningflame: ::sultry wink at otthawk, hoping to cause another blush::

hc otthawk: i remember...some militant ....
hc otthawk: ::happens::

mordighan: ::snickers::

runningflame: ::smug smile as she turns her attention back to sparkle::

sparkle: can you enlighten as to what objective was in mind when this aleged military build-up occured?

runningflame: ::laughs:: several factions were warring over territory. we were cleaning up acorns for weeks afterwards.

hc otthawk: anyway....i remember when that big black dragon landed in the grove.
hc otthawk: ::smiles at flame:: do you..?
hc otthawk: all those smelly orcs and dro....umm....goblins came with it.

mordighan: eh?

hc otthawk: :)
hc otthawk: seeing if your awake is all...::grin::

sparkle: i recall nista. and the tree uprooting. that was one of the worst that i recall.

mordighan: and to think the thought of being civil and offering you a drink had come to mind ;p

hc otthawk: ::smiles::

runningflame: ::turns to mord and bats her eyelashes::

hc otthawk: ::smiles:: and not to mention...finding all my knights you dryads .. umm...took off into the woods.
hc otthawk: during all the trouble...::looks to sparkle::

mordighan: ::returns her wink with a lewd one of his own::

hc otthawk: never take a army of knights into a dryad grove.
hc otthawk: ::smiles::

sparkle: -innocent smile-
sparkle: i did nothing to your knights. honestly.

hc otthawk: ::smiles and nods::

sparkle: though i will answer "no comment" regarding any of the other sprites of that land.

sparkle: ok. where within the grove is your above all favorite spot. and why?

runningflame: ::smiles:: wyrmsilver's sunning rock is my favorite. i go there every day and hope to catch a glimpse of my old friend.
hc otthawk: :)
runningflame: ::sighs:: i can hear him now...softly crooning "rownee?" in my ear.

sparkle: and "rake?" or "racker?" -sighs- memories. -sniff-

sparkle: -smiles- in closing. if there was one thing you could say to the entire community. what would it be?

runningflame: come to the grove...and bring chocolate. ::smiles::

QuiK MagiC has left the lounge
Mordighan has left the lounge

hc otthawk: ::smiles as mordighan leaves:: those evils....so evil.
hc otthawk: ::chuckles::

sparkle: there we have it folks. the words of one dryad regarding the grove. and i see several men rushing off to buy chocolate right now.
sparkle: -switches wand off-

Footnote. -shows off her feet- (Ohhh alright. So impatient I swear) -swears-

This has been Sparkle Shimmerwing. On The Spot in the Dryad Grove.

((I could have taken out all the non-interview stuff. But what fun would that have been?))