Phroge on the Wall
The Bastille Gazette Serving FW since Oct 1998 Archived Article

June 2001

ya wanted a rumour...
Posted Sunday, June 24, 2001 by Phrogie
-perks up- Did I hear someone mention my name?

Rumours rumours rumours... hmn... what have I heard on the streets recently...?

Oh! I know...

Now, I'm sure you've heard or figured out by now, that our own Star is something of a "closet evil," right? (What, ya don't believe me? These ain't star-crossed (forgive the pun) romances she's had! She's been the one seducing these evil paramours! But I digress...)

Well, -lowers her voice to just above a whisper- the way I hear it, this ain't something that comes naturally for her. Y'see, when she first came into CoR, she was welcomed warmly by the goodies, and warmest by the Grand Goodie hisself, Panzer. Now then, what ya don't know is that Panz is more than a mere closet baddie... the way I hear it, he would have been the founder of KAAOS except for the fact that his name sounds more like "Pansy" and of course, the big, bad KWUSSers wouldn't have that in their midst, as their leader. So Panz went on to CoR, where his name wouldn't be as suspect, and begain his little corruption process from within. Star is his latest protoge, pure and simple.

And that's how I heard it.


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