rusaders of the ealm
The Bastille Gazette
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GM: PanzerMagi
Website: none found
FW Boards: COR Boards
Bastille, FW [an error occurred while processing this directive] Vol. III, [an error occurred while processing this directive] hits

About the Crusaders (COR):

This Guild is a rallying place for the forces of 'GOOD'. Our goals are to live and display those virtues that are associated with the 'GOOD' ethic alignment. This means that we will all try to act in a moral and upstanding manner at all times. Since the 'Evil' ethic alignment values are directly opposed to ours, it is our duty to stop the spread of Evil (and their values) in any manner that is compatible with our own ethics. 'Neutral' alignments are accepted and encouraged to help us stem the tide of 'Evil'.

Every COR member will have the right to choose how they wish to help stop the spread of Evil. They can either choose to fight it directly (PVP) and/or fight against their values (Non-PVP). If the fight against Evil is going to be won, we must have dedicated members working in both areas.